Written communication, which we refer to as “copy” in the marketing industry, is essential. From blogs and social media posts to email subject lines and taglines, brands must write copy to sell their products and services, drive actions and achieve their marketing goals.

While copywriting may seem like a simple task, it’s trickier to get right than most people assume. If a brand’s materials are poorly written, lack a consistent tone or fail to incorporate human elements, it undermines their credibility. Having well-written copy ensures a brand looks its best and that their efforts are effective.

To help marketers and brand specialists level up their content, we asked our talented, in-house copywriter to share tips on how individuals can improve their copywriting skills. Practicing the craft, experimenting with AI tools and reading a copywriting how-to book made it to the top of the list. Let’s explore each piece of advice in more detail so you’re better prepared to write successful copy!

Practice the Craft

Writing is something that virtually everybody does, but writing well is a learned skill that takes practice. To enhance your writing skills, it’s crucial you do the work of copy creation every day. As you practice writing and encounter different copywriting scenarios, you’ll become a better writer and more efficient. When practicing the craft, consider the following tips.

  • Know Your Audience
    Understanding your audience on a deep level is key to writing successful copy. Having insights into your readers, including what type of content they find valuable, their specific needs and challenges as well as their perceptions of your brand, can help you deliver effective written communications. Gaining information about your core audience and new customers can be extremely difficult without undertaking solid branding work first. If you need support from a professional marketing team researching and identifying your audiences, reach out.


  • Establish a Tone
    Tone is the attitude you’ll convey to your audience through your writing. From serious and assertive to informal and humorous, there’s a wide array of tones that can be established. When determining your tone, it’s important to be authentic, ensure the attitude you convey will resonate with your audience and confirm it aligns with the purpose of your writing. Your word choices, sentence structure and imagery all help to express different tones. Once you have established a tone, it’s important to keep it consistent throughout your writing.  Check out Semrush’s guide and examples to learn more.


  • Take Advantage of the Opportunity to Sell
    Some brands who are more mission-driven may worry their copy is too “salesy.” However, it’s important to take advantage of every opportunity you have to write compelling copy that promotes your products, services, work or program offerings. An indirect way to sell your brand is to take a “hero’s journey” approach to copywriting that positions your company as a knowledgeable guide that can help individuals achieve their goals and live better lives.


  • Seek Feedback
    It’s wise to get feedback from others. Consider having a co-worker, professional partner or a content marketing agency, like GRIT, review your copy and provide constructive comments. Doing so will help to ensure there are no mistakes, identify common errors you may make and enhance the quality of your writing.

Experiment with AI Tools (But Do Not Rely on Them)

As we move into the future of AI-generated copy, it’s important to experiment and understand how different AI tools can be used – but DO NOT rely on them! While AI tools can help produce content that is technically correct, the technology isn’t fully there in terms of the ability to create compelling and creative copy that incorporates personal elements, such as your brand’s voice.

As a marketer or brand specialist, you should have a good grasp on your brand and primary audiences. Leverage these insights to develop your own copy instead of relying on an AI tool. The final piece will be much more authentic because the copy will align with your brand, provide engaging and relevant content that resonates with your intended target audience and ensure complex industry topics and ideas are properly conveyed.

If you’re searching for an AI tool that can help support your copywriting process, check out Grammarly. The AI tool’s free plan helps find spelling errors, incorrect punctuation and other grammar issues as well as provides suggestions for how to make your writing more concise.

Read a Copywriting How-To Book

Reading is key to keeping your verbal brain sharp, which can positively impact your writing skills. If you want to improve your copywriting efforts, consider reading a reputable copywriting how-to book. Our copywriter recommends checking out Everybody Writes by Ann Handley. Within the pages you’ll find proven strategies, clear processes and fun examples that will help to expand your knowledge and writing abilities.



Get Support from a Professional Copywriter

It’s important to understand that enhancing your copywriting skills will not happen overnight. It’s a process that takes time, practice and patience. As you’re leveling up your copywriting efforts, don’t leave marketing opportunities on the table. Get in touch with our team to learn how we can tailor our copywriting services to compliment your experience level and brand’s individual needs. From proofreading and providing feedback on existing copy to fully writing content for your brand, our content marketing agency is ready to support your next project and ensure your copy is error-free and compelling to your core audiences.