In the Know: Top Marketing Jargon Terms Explained

Vector, lead, PPC: Every industry, including marketing, uses specific jargon or language. While the number of acronyms used in the agency setting can be overwhelming, to help our clients, community and even family members understand what we are talking about, here are the top 20 jargon terms used at GRIT...

The Nerf Gun Behind the Curtain

The Nerf Gun Behind the Curtain

There are nerf darts scattered around my desk. On my first day working at an agency, darts were just the beginning of what I’d be learning in a field I’ve specialized in for more than...

Content Marketing: Tips for Showing Value to Customers

Over 11 hours each day. That’s how much time Americans spend reading, watching, listening to or interacting with content. With four billion active internet users, your audience is online, regularly looking at media including social media feeds, blog posts, videos, news reports and websites. About 80 percent of those internet...

Finding the Right Photograph

“Photography helps people to see.” –Bernice Abbott, mid-20th century American photographer In marketing, photography is used not only to help people see, but also to help them feel, relate and inspire.  In honor of National Photograph Month, GRIT’s team is offering up insight on how they use photographs, why they...

Internal Communications Part 1: Strategy

Internal Communications Part 1: Strategy

When you think of internal communications, what comes to mind? A memo from the CEO or a town-hall style meeting? Or do you think of double-digit profit growth? Memos and meetings are good examples of...

How LinkedIn’s Changes Can Help You

How LinkedIn’s Changes Can Help You

With 610 million professional users, LinkedIn makes up more than half of all social traffic to B2B websites and blogs. LinkedIn offers many practical features including sharing ideas and articles as well as networking online...

Behind the Scenes: Questions Answered Part 2

In last month’s blog, GRIT answered commonly shared questions that our team has been asked by businesses, community members and even our own families. This month, we are excited to share a new round of questions asked by our social media followers. What differentiates GRIT from other agencies? At GRIT,...

7 Things to Consider When Maintaining a Website

7 Things to Consider When Maintaining a Website

In today’s ever-evolving technological world, it is important to not only have a website for your business, but also to know how to maintain it. In last month’s blog, GRIT’s digital team offered tips to...

Behind the Scenes: Questions Answered

Ever wonder how a marketing firm works or if a marketing firm could help a business of your size?  GRIT regularly receives questions like these from businesses of all sizes, community members and sometimes even our own families about what we do and how we do it. Keep reading to...

What to Consider During When Developing A Website

In today’s ever-evolving technological world, it is more important than ever to have a website for your business. However, when it comes to website development, there are many things to consider before starting the process. The following questions are the top things to ask (and answer) before starting any website...