Yoe Construction – Website Redesign

Collaboration on a Comprehensive Website Redesign
As part of the strategic rebranding process, Yoe Construction and GRIT collaborated on a comprehensive website redesign focused on showcasing the company’s diverse capabilities and delivering an improved user experience. A clearly defined site navigation structure built around the use of integrated content to move users through the site was key. As the company’s core service areas were being positioned through the brand redesign process, so were decisions about how to best convey the breadth of in-house capabilities and value-added turnkey support on the website.
GRIT supported Yoe Construction through all facets of the project from strategy and planning, through design, comprehensive copywriting, and development. The new site supports the company’s key business goals, providing a resource for current clients and partners, supporting new business efforts, and offering a hub for recruitment outreach. Integrated project features and testimonials move users through the site to learn more, while strategically embedded calls to action are focused on providing a clear path for connection and lead capture.
Yoe Construction
Website Strategy, Design & Development
Lead Generation