The Janus School – Brand Strategy & Website Development

Brand Strategy & Website Redesign Aids School Admissions Efforts
GRIT serves as the agency of record for The Janus School, a private day school in Central Pennsylvania dedicated to serving the needs of students with learning differences. Early on in the relationship with Janus, GRIT identified significant gaps in the organization’s brand identity both visually and in the written approach. Ahead of the website redesign, efforts focused on creating clarity around the brand through a cohesive brand story and minor brand visual evolutions that created meaningful impacts in consistency and effective presentation.
Following the brand strategy process, GRIT led The Janus School through a strategic website redesign for the school’s K-12 program, focused on positioning the website as an integral tool in lead generation as well as a resource to support the goals of positioning the organization as a go-to though leader for student with learning differences and their families.
The Janus School
Brand Strategy & Positioning
Website Strategy, Design & Development
Lead Generation