Business Logo Development: A Seven Step Process

Business Logo Development: A Seven Step Process

The golden arches. A swoosh symbolizing motion and speed. A silver apple missing a bite. Can you identify these brands by their logos? When we see familiar logos, our minds automatically identify the brand (McDonald’s™,...

The 7 Sins of Marketing – Part 2

The 7 Sins of Marketing – Part 2

Part 2 – Delivering an Inconsistent Brand Experience Can your target audience easily recognize your company’s brand? Whether they are viewing your organization’s website, reading a print advertisement, or scrolling through social media, do they...

Year in Review: Moments of Reflection

At the beginning of each year, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on the year before – the great, the bad and the what could have been better. The end and start of a new year mark the perfect time to reflect not only on overall company performance...